Trade exchange between Iran and the European Union

Trade exchange between Iran and the European Union countries increased 61 percent in the first 10 months of 2017 from the same time in 2016, IRNA reported on Monday. The figure stood at €16.64 billion in the said time, the same report confirmed. Iran’s exports to EU countries was €8.24 billion and its imports from …

Unfortunate prejudices about Iran

Iran and its nation have a long history in the world. Iran is known for its ancient traditions and culture and for its warm hospitality, not to be mentioned that was one of the first countries in the world who gave written constitutional rights to its people. And yes, about 38 years ago, in 1979, …

Meet us @ the Valve World Middle East Conference 2017

We are pleased to inform you that the Managing Partner of our firm is one of the speakers during the Valve World Middle East Conference 2017 which will be held in Tehran, Iran, at 20 and 21 of February. During these both days Mr. Taheri will give lectures about the legal aspects of international business; …

Nederland maakt werk van herstel betalingsverkeer met Iran

Nederland en Iran gaan een stappenplan opzetten om het betalingsverkeer op termijn weer helemaal mogelijk te maken. Dat zegt minister van Economische Zaken Henk Kamp, die afgelopen weekend voor een handelsmissie naar Iran is vertrokken. Nederlandse ondernemers staan te popelen om zaken te doen in Iran nu een groot deel van de sancties tegen het …

The Central Bank of Iran is allowing local financial institutions to issue credit cards for the first time in the Islamic Republic’s history, reports the Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA). Iran may loosen grip on foreign exchange to get more investment The full introduction of the cards could take some time as local banks will …