Taal Is Leuk Voor Iedereen

Taal Is Leuk Voor Iedereen! De komende periode zal mw. A. Bhajan iedere week voorlezen voor basisschool kinderen. Het doel van dit project is om kinderen enthousiast te maken om te gaan lezen. Dit doel kan worden bereikt door middel van interactief voorlezen en het doen van taalspelletjes op basisscholen.

tax in India

India: Tax system

Tax Rate Corporate tax rate Domestic companies and partnerships 30%; Foreign companies (and branches) 40% Surcharge Domestic companies at 5% if income above INR 10 million and 10% if income above INR 100 million; Foreign companies at 2% and 5% respectively Education Cess 3% (2% Education Cess and 1% Secondary & Higher Education Cess) Effective …

doing business in india

Start-ups can now take foreign currency loans via ECB route

Mumbai: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday said it would allow start-ups to access foreign currency loans of up to $3 million a year under the external commercial borrowing (ECB) route, in a statement separate from the monetary policy review. Start-ups can raise up to $3 million either in rupees or in any …

investing in Iran

Iran attracts $7Bilion through foreign investment after sanctions lift

According to Ahmad Jamali, CEO of Foreign Investment Organization of Iran, Iran has attracted $7 billion of investment from abroad since that the sanctions against Iran has been lifted. He added that Iran has no problem for transferring money. The banks and exchange houses that carried out the $7 billion transfers are mostly from Germany, …

Belangrijke tips voor zakendoen in India

1. Veronderstel niet dat zakendoen in India hetzelfde is als hetgeen u gewend bent; ook als de zakenpartner waar u mee wenst te werken zó verwesterd lijkt 2. In India duurt zaken doen simpelweg 4 keer zo lang. Als u normaliter iets binnen 1 week gedaan kreeg, ga er dan vanuit dat het in India …